Leaders in Equity & Diversity Fellowship
To strengthen SOPHE’s capacity to achieve health equity, its leaders should be reflective of the populations we serve.
Diverse leadership is sought for all areas of SOPHE. This includes its board of trustees, Communities of Practice, chapters, task forces, councils, and committees. Representation from diverse groups can advance SOPHE’s 2021-2025 strategic plan and the health education profession.
To increase diversity among SOPHE leadership and support SOPHE’s effort to promote health equity, SOPHE launched the Leaders in Equity & Diversity Fellowship (LEAD). This fellowship opportunity creates a pathway to increase diversity in health education leadership among SOPHE’s membership.
A LEAD Fellowship will:
- Enable fellows to identify their leadership styles and develop their leadership skills with relevance to the health education profession and social justice.
- Enhance fellows’ knowledge and skills in areas such as diversity, equity, inclusion, and cultural humility.
- Enable fellows to plan and implement a team project demonstrating their skills in leadership and communication reflective of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Advance SOPHE’s efforts to create an inclusive and diverse environment respectful of individual uniqueness and abilities.
LEAD Fellows will:
- Learn best practices in leadership strategies, develop their skills in cultural humility.
- Identify ways to become SOPHE leaders, and leaders in the organizations and communities they serve.
- Attend monthly synchronous sessions and complete pre- or post-work – approximately two (2) hours per month.
- Join a SOPHE Community of Practice and post information at least once per month.
- Work closely with other Project LEAD members and designated SOPHE staff to develop a project that supports their interests and aligns with their leadership goals.
- Submit an abstract to SOPHE’s Annual Conference or Advocacy Summit upon completion of the group project.
- Write a reflection article on their experience as a SOPHE LEAD Fellow.
CHES®/MCHES® fellows may apply for Category II continuing education contact hours from the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc.
Who can apply?
LEAD Fellow applicants are a diverse cohort of national SOPHE members from a variety of health-related fields and work or school settings. An individual’s diverse representation may include but is not limited to racial and/or ethnic background, age, gender, sexual identity, sexual orientation, disability status, religion, military status, geographic location, or economic status.
LEAD’s eight month pilot, September 2022-May 2023, will engage four to five fellows. Each fellow is awarded an $800 stipend to help cover expenses to attend SOPHE’s Annual Conference or Advocacy Summit.
Applicant criteria
- Candidate’s identification as a member of an underrepresented group in public health or in a related field. An individual’s diverse representation may include but is not limited to racial and/or ethnic background, age, gender, sexual identity, sexual orientation, disability status, religion, military status, geographic location, or economic status.
- Candidate’s status as a current SOPHE member.
- Candidate’s current/previous service in National SOPHE or in a SOPHE chapter.
- Candidate’s leadership roles in other professional, nonprofit or business organizations.
- Candidate’s interest in participating in the LEAD Fellowship as explained in the application.
- Candidate’s strengths or potential based on two (2) letters of recommendation – one from a personal friend, colleague, etc., and one from a professional colleague, supervisor, etc.,
- Candidate’s demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.
How to apply
Individuals must submit an application, undergo a screening, and an interview. This process includes:
- Pre-screening eligibility – applicant must be a current National SOPHE member as of the date of the application.
- Submit an updated CV or resume.
- Write a personal statement of the applicant’s interest in the LEAD Fellowship and their demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.
- Submit two (2) letters of recommendation by the application deadline.
Application deadline: Sunday, May 15, 2022, 11:59 p.m. ET.

Dr. Krista Mincey developed the curriculum, working with the guidance of the LEAD Fellowship Subcommittee chaired by Dr. Antonio Gardner and Dr. Ninfa Peña-Purcell. Dr. Mincy will lead the curriculum implementation.
The LEAD program will enhance and strengthen each fellow in:
- Understanding the health education and health promotion profession.
- Strategies to develop personal leadership skills and becoming leaders within SOPHE’s elected and/or volunteer offices.
- Knowledge of key topics within health education, including:
- Systems thinking
- Leadership
- Communication
- Cultural humility
- Ethics and professionalism
Health Education Specialist Practice Analysis II – 2020 Areas of Health Education Responsibility and Competencies.
The curriculum aligns with the Health Education Specialist Practice Analysis II – 2020 Areas of Health Education Responsibility and Competencies. The following identifies the specific areas targeted:
Area II, 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3
Engage priority populations, partners, and stakeholders for participation in the planning process; Define desired outcomes; and determine health education and promotion interventions.
Area IV, 4.5.1
Communicate findings by preparing reports, and presentations, and by other means.
Area VIII, 8.1.2
Demonstrate ethical leadership, management, and behavior.
Area VIII, 8.1.6
Apply principles of cultural humility, inclusion, and diversity in all aspects of practice (e.g., Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) standards and culturally responsive pedagogy).
Area VIII, 8.4.6
Develop presentations and publications that contribute to the profession.
Expectations & Outcomes
SOPHE LEAD Fellows must complete the following activities and provide a written report at the conclusion of the fellowship:
- Attend required for synchronous educational sessions and activities – approximately two (2) hours per month.
- Join a SOPHE Community of Practice (CoP)–actively participate by posting at a minimum one monthly post to the CoP Forum.
- Develop and implement a LEAD team project (e.g., policy brief, toolkit, resolution, fact sheets) that has the potential to advance SOPHE’s mission or the health education profession. A team project involves collaborating with other LEAD fellows.
- Coordinate with SOPHE committees and staff on approval and dissemination of project(s).
- Submit an abstract based on the project for presentation at either SOPHE’s Annual Conference or SOPHE’s Advocacy Summit.
- Apply public health and health education specialist leadership competencies learned.
Academic credit for the fellowship is at the discretion of your college or university. SOPHE will provide the appropriate information to your college or university. Arrangements for earning credit should be made before beginning the fellowship.
For more information email in**@so***.org.