SOPHE/CDC Student Fellowship in Injury Prevention
The Student Fellowship in Injury Prevention is funded by the CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.
The fellowship recognizes, assists and trains students working on research or practice-based projects in unintentional injury prevention from the perspective of health education or the behavioral sciences.
Apply if your project is related to:
- drug overdose
- transportation/motor vehicle related injury
- older adult fall prevention
- drowning
- suicide
- concussion/traumatic brain injury
This can include projects in surveillance and surveys, risk factor identification, educational and policy interventions, evaluations, replications, translation, economics, community promotion, dissemination research, communications.
Settings include schools, workplaces, health care, and communities.
Recipients of the award will receive the following:
- $2,000 stipend..
- Fellowship certificate of completion.
- Free one-year SOPHE student membership.
- Complimentary registration at SOPHE’s Annual Conference.
- An opportunity to display a poster and/or provide an oral presentation on the project.
- SOPHE and CDC recognition.
Applicants must be a full time student (9 credit hours or more) in a master’s or doctoral degree program in health education, health promotion, behavioral sciences or a related field.
Project Scope
Projects may be related to:
- drug overdose
- transportation/motor vehicle related injury
- older adult fall prevention
- drowning
- suicide
- concussion/traumatic brain injury
Proposed projects may be new or ongoing. The applicant must have a primary role in conducting the project.
Requirements upon acceptance
- Sign a fellowship agreement
- Submit a project timeline
- Write a mid-year progress report
- Prepare a poster and/or oral presentation for the SOPHE Annual Conference
- Submit a presentation abstract
Recipients are also encouraged to prepare a manuscript and submit it for publication in one of SOPHE’s journals, Health Education and Behavior and Health Promotion Practice.
Occupation-related injuries will not be considered for this fellowship.
Application Materials
- Current resume or curriculum vitae titled with your name/cv.
- Project proposal describing the rationale, intended purpose, process/methodology, and potential contribution or impact of the project in 800 words or less titled with your name/proposal.
- One letter of recommendation (from an internship coordinator, preceptor, faculty member or other professional) titled with your name/recommendation.
- One letter of support from a designated faculty member who plans to work with the applicant on the proposed project and can verify the student is following a course of study in one of the above mentioned disciplines titled with your name/support.
Review Criteria
Proposals will be reviewed by a SOPHE/CDC Fellowship Selection Committee for their scientific and/or theoretical basis, originality, and potential contribution to health education’s role in injury prevention and control.
Applicants will be ranked according to:
- Identification of the problem and/or rationale
- Description of the theoretical/conceptual basis for the project
- Description of priority populations
- Demonstration of the adequacy of research design and methodology
- Explanation of the process for data collection and analysis
- Description of the implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of research
- Description of the contribution/impact on health promotion
- Address priority health issues
- Address cultural competency
- Quality of writing