Student Fellowship in Patient Engagement
The fellowship recognizes, assists, and trains masters or doctoral students to advance the research and practice of patient-centered health care from the perspective of health education or the behavioral sciences.
This fellowship is in honor of Dr. Jessie Gruman with support from the Center for Advancing Health.
Project Scope
Apply if your project is focused on:
- enhancing patient/family education,
- health literacy
- health communication
- cultural humility
- shared decision-making
- other variables that impact patient/caregiver interaction and promote respectful and ethical patient engagement
Recipients of the award will receive the following:
- $2,000 stipend
- Fellowship certificate of completion
- Free one-year SOPHE student membership
- Complimentary registration at SOPHE’s Annual Conference
- An opportunity to display and/or provide an oral presentation on the project
- SOPHE and CDC recognition
- Proof of national SOPHE membership.
- Enrolled full-time student (9 credit hours or more) in a masters or doctoral degree program in health education, health promotion, behavioral sciences or a related field.
- Proposed projects may be new or ongoing, and the applicant must have the primary role in conducting the project.
- Project proposal describing rationale, intended purpose, process/methodology, and potential contribution or impact of the project (maximum 1,000 words) titled name/proposal.
- Curriculum vitae (three page maximum) titled name/vc.
- Letter of recommendation from a faculty member who will work with the student on the proposed project titled name/recommendation.
Upon acceptance
- Sign a fellowship agreement
- Submit a project timeline
- Write a mid-year progress report
- Prepare a poster and/or oral presentation for the SOPHE Annual Conference
- Submit a presentation abstract
Recipients are also encouraged to prepare a manuscript and submit it for publication in one of SOPHE’s journals, Health Education and Behavior and Health Promotion Practice.
Review Criteria
Proposals are reviewed by a subcommittee of SOPHE’s Awards Committee for their scientific/theoretical basis, originality, and potential contribution to health education’s role in patient engagement.
Applicants are ranked according to:
- overall project approach
- priority areas of analysis
- implementation, evaluation & dissemination of work
- approach to data collection and analysis
- cultural competency
- contribution to/impact on health promotion