Encore: Equity and Anti-Racism Approaches to Public Health
Encore: Equity and Anti-Racism Approaches to Public Health
Speakers: Keon Gilbert, DrPH, Derek M. Griffith, PhD, Chandra Ford, PhD, MPH, MLIS, and Marino A. Bruce, PhD, MSRC, MDiv
Register now for this is an encore webinar from SOPHE’s 2020 National Health Education Week webinar series and we offer this to you again as an opportunity to promote awareness of and generate interest in understanding the impact of racism on health. We believe that racism must be eliminated from public health infrastructure and practice in order to improve the health and wellness of all citizens.
In this pre-recorded webinar, the panelists will highlight key initiatives and resources that promote the identification of racism and encourage public health professionals to work strategically and collectively to adopt antiracist policies within their agencies and communities of practice.
The overall goal of this symposium is to introduce and discuss racism as a multidimensional and scientific construct that adversely affects health at the population, community, and individual levels. Racism remains a frequently discussed, yet poorly understood factor influencing health. Racism is a pernicious form of inequality that is embedded in individual interactions, organizational policies, and institutional operations that have direct and indirect implications for personal, public, and population health. Panelists will discuss research and anti-racist practices presented in Racism: Science & Tools for the Public Health Professional published by the American Public Health Association.
In order to access continuing education plus certificate, you will be sent an email with action to register and complete the evaluation following this live encore webinar.