Using the New Health Education Teacher Preparation Standards to Create Program Assessments
Webinar: Using the New Health Education Teacher Preparation Standards to Create Program Assessments
Speakers: Donna Bernert, PhD and Susan Goekler, Ph.D, RMCHES
Teacher preparation institutions wanting their school health education program recognized as meeting national standards need to become familiar with the newly approved Health Educator Teacher Preparation Standards developed by SOPHE and recognized by the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). Importantly, programs need to know how to use the new professional preparation standards when applying for recognition. An application requires the submission of 6 to 8 assessment instruments that incorporate these standards. The application also requires data from two administrations of those assessment instruments to demonstrate that candidates have mastered the Standards. This webinar will provide an orientation to the standards and give examples of assessments.
At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:
1. Review their assessment instruments against SOPHE’s Health Education Teacher Preparation Standards ( 4.2.8: Assess the effectiveness and alignment of existing interventions to desired outcomes.)
2. Explain what they need to do if they want to apply for national recognition of their teacher preparation program under SOPHE’s SPA. (7.4.3: Adopt, adapt, or develop instruments for collecting data.)
For CECH questions, please email ed*******@so***.org. Please complete the webinar evaluation survey following this webinar. Your evaluations of this program will assist us in planning future webinars. Thank you!