Every Kid Healthy Week

Encourage youth to get up and get outside!

children-playing-ball-outsideThe facts:

  • One in three kids in the U.S. is overweight or obese.
  • One in two U.S. students does not receive physical education in an average week
  • Severely obese children miss school 4 times as often as children of a healthy weight.
  • Schools lack the resources and support necessary to implement changes that can positively impact not only health outcomes for students but also their readiness to learn and succeed in school and beyond.
  • The U.S. spends $119 billion annually on obesity-related health care costs.

Here are a few ways to take action and to make the connection between your work and Every Kid Healthy Week:


Together we can help all 130,000+ U.S. schools provide healthy foods, quality health and physical education, and comprehensive physical activity for all 55 million students by 2030.