Success Stories in Health Education and Injury Prevention
Seat Belt Use
Seat belts reduce the rates of injury and mortality by more than 50 percent.
The number of lives saved in 2015: more than 14,000
Primary enforcement laws are a protective factor in the increased use of seat belts, knowledge about their use, and driver safety. In states with these laws, seat belt usage is 92 percent. States without laws have 83 percent usage rates (CDC, 2016).
The rates of injury and death from automobile crashes have decreased because of state and local policies.
Helmet Use
Wearing a helmet can reduce the likelihood of traumatic brain injuries by roughly 90 percent.
Bicycle helmet laws have been ruled effective in reducing crash-related injuries and fatalities at all ages.
Increased awareness about helmets and advocacy for other rider safety programs and policies — bike lanes and rider visibility — have contributed to increased helmet use and individual behavior changes.
The CDC’s HEADS UP campaign provides parents with information on what to look for and
avoid when choosing a helmet for their child.
Drunk Driving Enforcement
Since Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) was founded in 1980, the number of drunk driving deaths has been cut in half.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration identified multi-component methods with the greatest impact in reducing and preventing the number of drunk driving incidents.
These methods include policies and law enforcement tactics — sobriety checkpoints, zero-tolerance laws, and vehicle interlocks. The best accompaniments for these policy changes were found to be mass media education campaigns, alcohol screenings, and school-based instruction (CDC, 2016).