NHEW Social Media Toolkit
National Health Education Week (NHEW) 2021 is October 18-22, 2021.
Monday, October 18
Day one of #NHEW2021 shines the spotlight on School Health. After more than a year of the COVID-19 pandemic, school staff and students will return to school this fall for the 2021-2022 school year. Head to the SOPHE website for more resources for today’s theme! https://bit.ly/2Vc54b8

#NHEW2021 kicks off with a live event on Monday, October 18 at 4 p.m. ET. SOPHE invites a panel of school health experts from a national perspective to a higher education perspective to share their experiences with re-adapting to the classroom. https://bit.ly/3tJa048

Tuesday, October 19
The second day of #NHEW2021 focuses on exploring careers in health promotion. There are many types of careers (jobs) for health education specialists and effective strategies for marketing participants’ skills for jobs in the field. Visit the SOPHE website for more resources! https://bit.ly/3DLgJPK

Not sure which career path in health education and promotion is for you? Attend the #NHEW2021 live event in partnership with NCHEC on October 19 to hear panelists provide ways that participants can promote their value as health education specialists, training, and skills in ways that differentiate them from job candidates with varying backgrounds. https://bit.ly/3tJa048

Wednesday, October 19
The COVID-19 Pandemic has changed the way we attend conferences. Wednesday’s #NHEW2021 theme is Looking at Diversity Through Accessibility. Get more resources on the SOPHE website! https://bit.ly/3DKgy7h

Learn how to present accessibility during online and in-person conferences during the #NEHW2021 live event “Presenting Accessibility for an In-Person and Online Audience.” https://bit.ly/3zelcH6

Thursday, October 21
Healthy People 2030 have goals related to health literacy and the use of various social media tools. SOPHE has plenty of health literacy resources online for #NHEW2021 https://bit.ly/3kRv6t7

Explore how health education specialists can address the new Healthy People 2030 goals related to health literacy during the #NHEW2021 live event “Healthy People 2030 Health Literacy: Addressing COVID Disinformation & Reaching Diverse Populations.” https://bit.ly/39bkVKA

Friday, October 22
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on everyone’s mental health. We’ve collected resources to reference for today’s #NHEW2021 theme. https://bit.ly/3k9RnDm

Discuss the complexities of mental health and how it currently affects employees during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic during “Navigating Workplace Mental Health Amidst COVID-19.” #NHEW2021 https://bit.ly/2VKxWaV

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Quick Links
- Activities
- Kick off NHEW 2021
- Facing New Challenges: Back to School in 2021
- Exploring Careers in Health Education
- Looking at Diversity Through Accessibility
- What We Should Know About the Future of Health Literacy
- Mental Health in the Workplace
- Social Media Toolkit
- About NHEW
- Ways to share NHEW
- 4 steps to communicate