Joining forces to fight the opioid overdose epidemic devastating the United States
Impact of an Epidemic
Now more than ever, health education specialists are called a valuable tool in preventing addiction and educating about evidence-based harm reduction strategies. Learn more about the health education approach to the opioid crisis, including a complete listing of SOPHE’s opioid-related resources.
When the prescription becomes the problem
Read the real stories of people whose lives were torn apart by prescription opioids.
Nearly half of all U.S. opioid overdose deaths involve a prescription opioid.
Overdose deaths involving prescription opioids have tripled since 1999, and so have sales of these prescription drugs. From 1999 to 2015, more than 183,000 people have died in the U.S. from overdoses related to prescription opioids, with more than 15,000 prescription opioid overdose deaths in 2015.
Whether you are a healthcare provider, first responder, law enforcement officer, public health official, or community member, the opioid epidemic is likely affecting you and your community. No matter who you are, you can take action to end the opioid overdose epidemic ravaging the United States.
Learn more about prescription opioids so you can help those at risk for opioid use disorder and overdose in your community.
Help those struggling with addiction find the right care and treatment. Anyone who takes prescription opioids can become addicted and help is available if you or someone you know is battling opioid use disorder.
Spread the word and increase awareness in your community about the risk and dangers of prescription opioids.
Training for providers helps healthcare providers gain a deeper understanding of the CDC Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain.
Communicating with patients – addresses the communication strategies that promote healthy patient dialogue on the benefits and harmful effects of opioids.
Related Resources
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