Health Promotion Practice
Health Promotion Practice is a forum for authoritative research, commentary, practical tools and promising practices that strategically advance the art and science of health promotion and disease prevention.
Unique in its practitioner focus, HPP is committed to eliminating health disparities, achieving health equity, addressing social determinants of health, and advancing evidence-based health promotion practice.

The electronic version of Health Promotion Practice is available free online, exclusively to SOPHE members through SAGE Journals Online after logging into MySOPHE.

Our lane in the COVID-19 Pandemic: HPP editorial board member experiences and perspectives from around the world.
- COVID19 in Puerto Rico and more evidence of colonialism as a social determinant of health
- Public health’s call to action
- Taking action in our communities: a perspective from Peru
- Teaching the health education specialists of the future through a computer
- Schools are the path forward for ending COVID19 inequities in our communities
- COVID-19 in The Land of Enchantment
- The “We are all in this Together” post-COVID-19 public health world
- Rural equals resilience – A new reputation or just a better understanding?
- Privileging equity during a pandemic
- Pivoting in leadership during a public health crisis: When change is thrust upon us
Featured reading list for faculty, students and practitioners

Easy to access articles on:
- Needs Assessment
- Program Planning and Design
- Program Implementation
- Program Evaluation
- Program Planning and Evaluation Classics
- Full reading list
This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics.
The electronic version of Health Promotion Practice is available free online – 24 hours/7 days a week – exclusively to SOPHE members through SAGE Journals Online after logging into MySOPHE.
As of January 1, 2022, print subscriptions are not available. However, for a limited time, members can pay $30 for a print copy of one journal either HPP or Health Education & Behavior.
Access to the full-text of published articles is free to Health Promotion Practice subscribers through SAGE Journals Online after logging in to MySOPHE. Availability to others is on a pay-per-view or timed access basis.
Editor-in-chief: Kathleen Roe, DrPH, MPH
Editorial manager: Jeanine Robitaille, MS, CHES®