Brigham Young University Collegiate Champions
Finals week can be an overwhelming and stressful time for many students. Mental, physical, and emotional health are often put on the backburner so assignments can be finished, and tests can be taken.
After a recent tragic event on campus, our Brigham Young University community is putting a heavy emphasis on mental health and supporting others.
We decided the best way to champion people through finals week and promote SOPHE in the process was to talk to them! Our Collegiate Champion Abby set up a table in one of the main campus buildings.
Armed with tons of cool SOPHE swag, she stopped people walking by so they could chat. Abby started by asking each person how they were doing and usually followed it up with a question about how getting ready for finals was going. The more they talked, the more interested people were in SOPHE and the national conference in Salt Lake City!
More than 100 people visited the table to chat about how things were going and talk about SOPHE.
As a health professional, this event was a reminder that the events we host and programs we create should be tailored to the needs of those we are serving.