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First-time users need to create a username & password. If you need help, contact our Membership Team or  202.408.9804.

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We want to know more about you. By sharing your interest areas, certifications and employer information we can deliver what you will find valuable. Updated contact information is crucial to maintain your member benefits without interruption.

Join a Community of Practice forum

Discover, share and connect with other health educators. Join one or all our 14 CoP’s at no extra cost. These discussion groups vary on interest and subject areas. Select one and introduce yourself today by sharing an article, opinion, post, or just say “hello.” Access the CoP forums

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Find an educational webinar or event to take your professional development to the next level.

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SOPHE offers lots of materials, guides, resolutions, toolkits, etc. via Resources


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Get Involved

Explore the ways to get involved with SOPHE. Fill out the volunteer form and choose up to 3 committees or task force groups that interest you.

Questions about membership? Email or 202.408.9804