More than 30 distinguished professionals and students will be recognized at the SOPHE Annual Conference in Columbus, Ohio, April 4-6, 2018
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Society for Public Health Education, Inc. (SOPHE) will present more than 30 awards and scholarships to health education researchers, faculty, programs, practitioners and students during its 69th annual conference in Columbus, Ohio, April 4-6, 2018. The awards and scholarships recognize significant advancements in the profession of health education and health promotion and outstanding contributions of veterans and rising stars to improving the publlic’s health.
David Birch, PhD, MCHES®, professor and chair, The College of Human Environmental Sciences at The University of Alabama will receive SOPHE’s highest honor to a member, the Distinguished Fellow Award. During his career of more than 40 years, Dr. Birch has advanced the scholarship and practice of both community and school health education through teaching, research and professional service. His pedagogy trajectory has spanned elementary and junior high schools to undergraduate and graduate programs at five leading colleges and universities. As a visionary leader, he has served as SOPHE’s President in 2016-2017, as co-chair of the National Implementation Task Force on Accreditation in Health Education, the National Task Force on the Future of School Health Education, as well as a founding editorial board member of Pedagogy in Health Promotion: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
The 2018 Karen Denard Goldman Health Education Mentor Award recipient is Karl Larson, PhD, MCHES® of Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota. Dr. Larson is honored for mentoring health education students in their preparation and performance and bridging the gap between research and practice. He has led SOPHE’s annual student case study competition for the last several years, which challenges student university teams to analyze and propose health education solutions to contemporary public health issues.
SOPHE partners with several foundations to confer awards at the conference. James F. Sallis, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health, University of California, San Diego will receive the 2018 Elizabeth Fries Health Education Award from the James F. and Sara T. Fries Foundation for his contributions in advancing the field of physical activity and active living through health education research, program development, and program delivery.
The Foundation for the Advancement of Health Education (FAHE) will confer the Delbert Oberteuffer Scholarship to Eric Conrad, CHES®, who is studying school health education and promotion at the University of Alabama. The Marion Pollock Award will be presented to Clayborne Cook who is an MPH, behavioral and community health sciences student studying at the University of Pittsburgh
Other SOPHE honors to be conferred during the conference include the R. Brick Lancaster Community Health Internship Award, SOPHE/CDC Injury Prevention Fellowship, Jessie Gruman Patient Engagement Award, Horizon Award, Clarence E. Pearson Program Excellence Award, the Graduate Student Research Paper Award, and the Vivian Drenckhahn Scholarship.
Eleven health education students will attend the conference with support from SOPHE’s 21st Century Fund.
Recognition will also be given to the recipients of the 2018 Lawrence W. Green Paper of the Year for Health Education & Behavior; the 2018 Sarah Mazelis Paper of the Year for Health Promotion Practice; and the 2018 Paper of the Year for Pedagogy in Health Promotion: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
To learn more about the SOPHE 69th Annual Conference, see
2018 SOPHE Award Recipients
The following awards will be presented during SOPHE’s 69th Annual Conference, April 4 – 6, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency in Columbus, Ohio.
Distinguished Fellow
David A. Birch, PhD, MCHES®, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Karen Denard Goldman Mentor Award
Karl Larson, PhD, MCHES®, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minnesota
Elizabeth Fries Health Education Award
James Sallis, PhD, University of California, San Diego
Horizon Award
Hannah Priest Catalono, PhD, University of North Carolina, Wilmington
R. Brick Lancaster Community Health Internship Award
Leigh Ann Ganzar, MPH
Clarence E. Pearson Program Excellence Award
Pilot Light Chefs, Chicago
Chapter Award of Excellence
Georgia SOPHE
Graduate Student Research Paper
Alyssa Lederer, PhD, MPH, MCHES®, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans
Vivian Drenckhahn Student Scholarship
Jacqueline Lantsman, American University, Washington, D.C.
Presented by the Foundation for the Advancement for Health Education
Delbert Oberteuffer Scholarship
Eric Conrad, M.A. CHES®, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Presented by the Foundation for the Advancement for Health Education
Marion B. Pollock Fellowship
Clayborne Cook, B.S.Ed, The University of Pittsburgh
Presented by the Foundation for the Advancement for Health Education
Elizabeth Fries Health Education Award
James F. Sallis, PhD
University of California, San Diego
SOPHE/CDC Unintentional Injury Prevention Student Fellowship
Brandon Horvath, MPH(c), B.S. Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia
Steven A. Medeiros, Jr., M.D., B.S., Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia
SOPHE Patient Engagement Fellow
Suzanne Grossman, DrPH(c), Drexell University, Philadelphia
SOPHE’s 21st Century Scholarship Recipients
Nana Ama Baryeh, University of Toledo, Ohio
Eric Conrad, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Jennifer Evans, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Marissa Greenband, University of California, Davis
Astoria Griggs-Burns, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois
Veronica Ladwig, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Danielle Marquez, University of Texas-El Paso
Danielle Marshall, Wayne State University, Detroit
Job Runge, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois
Anna Wang, Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri
Amy Wotring, University of Toledo, Ohio
Lawrence W. Green Paper of the Year Award
“Identifying Synergies in Multilevel Interventions: The Convergence Strategy”
Vol.44 (2) April 2017
Megan A. Lewis, PhD, Tania M. Fitzgerald, MSW, Brittany Zulkiewicz, BS, Susana Peinado, PhD, and Pamela A. Williams, PhD
RTI International, Center for Communication Science, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Sarah Mazelis Paper of the Year Award
“Applying Learning Theory to Safety and Health Training for Hispanic Immigrant Dairy Workers”
Patricia M. Juárez-Carrillo, PhD, MPH, Amy K. Liebman, MPA, MA, Iris Anne C. Reyes, MPH,
Yurany V. Ninco Sánchez, RN, and Matthew C. Keifer, MD, MPH
Vol. 18 (July), 4: pp. 505-515
Pedagogy in Health Promotion Paper of the Year Award
“Teaching Economic Evaluation of Health Promotion Programs”
Vol 3, Issue 3 September 2017
Stephen L. Brown, PhD