Editor-in-chief search for SOPHE’s Pedagogy in Health Promotion Journal

Pedagogy in Health Promotion: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (PHP) is an official peer-reviewed journal of SOPHE.

Application Deadline: May 3, 2019

About the journal

The journal is devoted to advance the science of teaching and learning of those practicing health promotion.

Contributions are made to general areas of instruction, curriculum, assessment, experiential learning, administration, and the art and sciences of teaching and learning.

The content of the journal is relevant to both faculty in formal educational settings and instructors or trainers who provide continuing professional education, in the broad arena of health promotion and disease prevention.

The quarterly 76-page journal welcomes works addressing the art and science of teaching and learning, and how it contributes to the formation and ongoing development of the health promotion professional working in any site and with a range of populations.

As a scholarship journal, submissions go beyond simply teaching techniques and look to robust studies and highly reflective works that contribute to the literature of answering fundamental questions, concerns, and challenges of preparing health promotion, public health, and health care professionals.

PHP is one of three peer-reviewed journals published by SOPHE. PHP is the first major journal dedicated to the broad topic of pre-service and continuing education of health professionals involved in health promotion and public health.

Journal content

Dr. Stephen Gambescia, Drexel University, has served as the inaugural editor-in-chief since 2014, supported by an international, multidisciplinary editorial board. The journal is published by SAGE Publishing (Thousand Oaks, California).

Types of original research, descriptive best practices, commentaries, coaching articles, reflective pieces, and thoughtful questions and ideas related to pedagogy considered by this journal include:

  • Works by health professionals involved in teaching subjects related to health promotion, health education, public health and health care, especially related to population health.
  • Quantitative or qualitative evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching modalities by educators in K-12 schools and at universities.
  • Innovation in using technology in the teaching/learning process.
  • Issues related to academic or program administration, finance, policies, culture or climate that affects the teaching and learning environment.


Editor-in-chief responsibilities & qualifications:

  • managing the journal’s direction and mission
  • soliciting articles
  • overseeing peer review recruitment and operations
  • editing submissions in a timely manner
  • managing a global editorial board
  • collaborating with SOPHE and the publisher to increase the journal’s visibility, readership and impact.

The editor-in-chief appointment begins January 1, 2020, after a three to four month transition period beginning August 2019. During the transition, the new editor will process manuscript submissions and prepare the March 2020 issue.

The incoming editor will participate in a comprehensive editorial orientation. The orientation includes an overview of the ScholarOne online manuscript management system.

The appointment is five years and supported by a stipend and an editorial assistant. Based on the current volume of submissions, the editor role demands about 20% full-time employment.


The successful applicant:

  • is a National SOPHE member
  • has an advanced degree in health promotion or a related field
  • has at least 10 years teaching experience in an academic setting
  • management experience of the teaching/learning enterprise
  • publications track record with significant works in pedagogy
  • demonstrates a working familiarity with policy/systems change and translation of research to practice.
  • demonstrates experience with the editorial process – as an editor, associate editor, or editorial board member of a peer-reviewed journal

Application Requirements

Application deadline: May 3, 2019

Include the following:

  • A 1,000 word or less statement of the candidate’s vision for Pedagogy in Health Promotion.
  • Curriculum vitae, including a listing of the applicant’s publications and highlighting works in pedagogy.
  • Copies of three of the applicant’s representative peer-reviewed publications in pedagogy.
  • A statement of support from a supervising administrator from the applicant’s institution or organization.

Submit application to:
PHP Journal Editor Search
Society for Public Health Education
10 G St, NE, Suite 605, Washington, DC 20002
Email: ea***@so***.org

Direct questions to:
Alexandra DeSorbo Quinn, EdD, MPH
SOPHE Trustee for Publications
Phone: 518.339.2296
Email: al**@pi*************.org