WHITEHALL, PA. March 16, 2020 – A Competency Based Framework for Health Education Specialists – 2020 was released today through a joint effort by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing Inc., (NCHEC) and the Society for Public Health Education, Inc. (SOPHE).
This publication contains the results of a 22-month practice analysis study to update, refine and validate the most current model of health education and promotion professional practice, and its application to teaching and practice.
The new 198-page book contains descriptions of the processes, outcomes, and related materials of the psychometric study of the Health Education Specialists Practice Analysis II (HESPA II 2020) project, which delineated a new Eighth Area of Responsibility.
The publication is designed for use by practitioners and educators in the Health Education and Promotion profession as a framework for professional preparation, credentialing, and professional development, and will form the basis for future CHES® and MCHES® examinations.
“I would like to extend a heart-felt thank you to the many health education specialists who participated in the intensive survey that provided the basis for this publication,” said Linda Lysoby, NCHEC Executive Director. “This valuable resource will assist professional preparation programs to align university curricula with the verified Competences and Sub-competences and employers with professional development.”
In addition to presenting all updated Areas of Responsibility, Competencies, and Sub-Competencies, the new book provides valuable information on the historical evolution of the health education model of practice, application of the HESPA II 2020 Competencies in various work settings, changes in the Areas of Responsibility from 1985 forward, and core knowledge areas identified in HESPA II 2020.
“This publication is a ‘go-to’ resource for all administrators, educators, practitioners, employers, and others in health education and promotion, said M. Elaine Auld, SOPHE CEO. “A health education workforce armed with contemporary knowledge and skills is vital to the nation’s health, security and economy, and is needed to address emerging issues such as the new Coronavirus, CoVID-19.”
A Competency Based Framework for Health Education Specialists – 2020 is available for purchase – order your copy today. SOPHE’s 2020 Annual Conference will feature HESPA II 2020 related workshops and sessions.
NCHEC and SOPHE would like to extend sincere gratitude to the following editors, authors, reviewers, and copyeditor for the framework publication:
Editor, Randall R. Cottrell, DEd, MCHES®
Contributing Authors