Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once proclaimed,
Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and the most inhumane because it often results in physical death.
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
SOPHE and our members understand the grave consequences racism continues to produce in communities across the country.
Consequently, we promote federal health policy legislation with a robust racial justice and health equity lens.
Dr. King envisioned a beloved community – one where all persons have access to the resources and care needed to not only live but to thrive in their communities.
SOPHE shares Dr. King’s vision of a beloved community where everyone has access to high-quality and unbiased health care. His vision of a beloved community serves as a fitting litmus test in all that SOPHE does – ranging from our advocacy efforts to our professional development opportunities.
To further demonstrate our commitment to King’s life and legacy, SOPHE created the Health Equity and Antiracism Task Force to integrate an antiracism lens into our organization’s internal operations and hiring processes. We will continue to measure our work by the standard Dr. King established for our country and quite frankly, the world.
Bishar Jenkins, Jr., MPP
Manager, Policy & Programs