Gain your professional edge at the CORE*
All users need a CORE profile. Create your profile to start earning valuable continuing education credits today! Based on your membership, CORE purchase fees will be applied.
The Center for Online Resources & Education (CORE) is a dedicated source for continuing education and skills in demand by today’s employers in public health education and promotion. The CORE provides CHES/MCHES credits to those who are members and non-members of SOPHE.
This integrated learning management system provides access to the latest content to help advance your professional development and career.
CORE is the source for education on relevant topics
- Advocacy
- Alcohol and Drug Use
- Anti-racism
- Career and Leadership Development
- Child, Adolescent, and School Health
- Chronic Disease
- Community-based Coalitions
- Communications, Social Media and Technology
- Emergency Preparedness
- Ethics
- Evaluation
- Global Health
- Health Behavior and Research
- Health Equity
- Health Literacy
- Health Promotion Practice
- HIV and Infectious Disease
- Injury
- Maternal and Infant Health
- Mental Health
- Nutrition, Obesity, and Physical Activity
- Policy, Systems, and Environment
- Sexual and Reproductive Health
- Tobacco
- Worksite Wellness
Resources on CORE:
- Webinars
- Annual conference recordings
- Journal self-studies
- Tools and resources
- and more!
Questions? Please contact ed*******@so***.org
Continuing Education Contact Hours
The National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc (NCHEC) designates SOPHE as a provider of continuing education contact hours (CECH). As such, SOPHE is subject to the application and adherence to policies regarding CECH.
Individuals can earn continuing education contact hours (CECH) by participating in experiences that aid in the development or enhancement of the knowledge and skills directly related to the Areas of Responsibility and their professional occupation.
SOPHE reports CEU on a quarterly basis: January, April, July, and October? Questions, email ed*******@so***.org
Credits offered from the purchase of Webinars and Journal Self-Studies through CORE:
Webinars: 1.0 Entry- /Advanced-Level
Journal Self-Studies: 2.0 Entry- /Advanced-Level
“I have enjoyed using CORE as my primary source for CEUs for my CHES certification. It is convenient, quick in getting your results back, and I have never had a problem with my CEUs not being reported to NCHEC. It also comparably cost-effective when compared to other CHES/MCHES providers. I highly recommend CORE for my fellow CHES/MCHES health educators.”
Michael Wiblishauser, PhD, CHES
For more information on the types of CECH offered through SOPHE as a designated provider, please visit:
To view the Health Education Specialist Practice Analysis (HESPA) 2015 Competencies and Sub-competencies, please see:
SOPHE is also an approved provider of the Certificate in Public Health Renewal Credits by the National Board of Public Health Examiners.
*User Guidelines and Instructions to our CORE platform
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Related Resources
NCHEC Areas of Responsibilities, Competencies, and Sub-competencies for the Health Education SpecialistsThe Areas of Responsibility contain a comprehensive set of Competencies and Sub-competencies defining the role of the health education specialist. Areas of Responsibilities, Competencies of Health Education Specialists