Bequest Giving
What will your legacy be?
“Health education is not just a career, it’s a calling.”
– M. Elaine Auld, MPH, MCHES, SOPHE CEO 1996-2021
When you think about your calling as a health educator, what is most important?
What are the values that you’d like to instill in future health educators?
Your legacy and commitment to health education can live on through a bequest to SOPHE.
A gift from your will or trust

A gift through a beneficiary designation
- IRAs and retirement plans
- IRAs and retirement plans
- Commercial annuities
Naming SOPHE as a beneficiary
- Contact your retirement plan administrator, insurance company, or financial institution for a change of beneficiary form.
- Decide what percentage (1-100) you would like SOPHE to receive, name the Society for Public Health Education (national office), along with the percentage you chose, on the beneficiary form.
- Return the completed form to your retirement plan administrator, insurance company, or financial institution.
Marilyn Rice named SOPHE in her trust
Marilyn (“Marti”) Rice has spent 40 years and counting dedicated to planning, implementing, and evaluating health promotion, education, and communication programs around the world for the World Health Organization, the Pan American Health Organization, and most recently for her own consulting agency.
So often, when she was the only focused on promoting health rather than treating diseases, she turned to her SOPHE colleagues for insights, feedback, and comradery.
She found opportunities through SOPHE to learn new skills and approaches, connect with others doing similar and important work, find ways to advocate for health promoting policies in the U.S. and abroad, and most importantly, develop lifelong friendships.
As she considered the most important aspects of her personal and professional legacy, she turned to SOPHE to fulfill her plan.
Using a bequest statement of intent, Marti named SOPHE in her trust directing her gift to initiatives closest to her heart, and those that will make a lasting difference for health educators, social determinants of health, and health equity.
“I would like to see this eternal gift to SOPHE be used to conduct an annual international forum on social determinants of health and equity, providing an opportunity to identify challenges and examples of successful initiatives, to propose actions to be taken by SOPHE and its members, and to publish and disseminate a summary to strengthen ongoing policies, actions, and results.”
Bequest Statement of Intent
No matter how you choose to include SOPHE in your legacy, please notify us of your plans by sharing a bequest statement of intent to include SOPHE in your planning.
Contact SOPHE
Amy Overby, Director of Fund Development, at 202.408.9804 ext. 190 or ao*****@so***.org for additional information.
Legal Name: Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE)
Address: 10 G St, NE, Suite 605, Washington, DC 20002
Federal Tax ID Number: 23-7299881